Seventh Wave: Ghastliness


Seventh Wave: Ghastliness


puṣṭiṃ nija-vibhāvādyair jugupsā-ratir āgatā |
asau bhakti-raso dhīrair bībhatsākhya itīryate ||4.7.1||

“When jugupsa-rati is nourished by its vibhāvas and other elements [of rasa], it is called bībhatsa-bhakti-rasa by the wise.”

asminn āśrita-śāntādyā dhīrair ālambanā matāḥ ||4.7.2||

“The aśritas and śānta-bhaktas and other who are not close to the Lord are the ālambana of this rasa.”


An example:
“Astonishingly, those persons who previously were clever in methods of seducing women, and dedicated to lust, ruling over lecherous cities, now continually chant the Holy Name of the Lord with tears in their eyes. When they see the face of a woman, they twist their faces, and becoming motionless, spit.”


“The anubhāvas of this rasa are spitting, distorting the face in disgust, covering the nose, running, quivering of the body, hair standing on end and perspiration.”


“The vyabhicārī-bhāvas of this rasa are glāni, śrama, unmāda, moha, nirveda, dainya, viṣāda, cāpalya and jāḍyam.”


“The sthāyī-bhāva of this rasa is jugupsā-rati. According to the wise, there are two types of jugupsā-rati: vivekaja (arising from discrimination) and prāyikī (common).”


“Disgust for the body arising from analytical contemplation in certain devotees who have developed rati for Kṛṣṇa is called disgust arising from discrimination or vivekaja-jugupsā-rati.


An example of disgust arising from discrimination:
“When a person develops attraction for the Lord, how can he be attracted to this body made of flesh, smelling of raw meat, composed of thick blood and covered by skin?”


“Disgust arising in all types of people and in all sorts of circumstances from impure or foul-smelling things is called prāyikī (common) disgust.”


An example of general disgust:
“O enemy of Kaṃsa! Trapped in this body, living in the mother’s womb in contact with a thick muck of skin, covered with urine and blood, I am distressed in heart. Ocean of mercy, please be merciful to me, who am unable to worship You.”


Another example:
“We have been thrown by the personification of death, Jarāsandha into this prison, the summation of all hells, which destroys vision with piles of stool from sick humans lying in a yard infested with terrible worms, whose stink makes the nose unsteady. O destroyer of hell! We maintain our lives only by remembering You.”


“The pure minds of those who have attained rati for Kṛṣṇa become disturbed by even a small amount of unwanted things. Thus there is nourishment of the primary ratis in jugupsā-rati.


“That the ratis starting with hāsya are accepted as secondary rasas is understood by the wise to be according to the opinions of ancient scholars such as Bharata Muni.”


“The five primary rasas starting with śānta-rasa are accepted as hari-bhakti-rasa. The secondary ratis generally act as vyabhicārī-bhāvas within the five primary rasas.”

iti śrī-śrī-bhakti-rasāmṛta-sindhāv uttara-vibhāge
gauṇa-bhakti-rasa-nirūpaṇe bībhatsa-bhakti-rasa-laharī saptamī ||

“Thus ends the Seventh Wave in the Northern Ocean of Śrī Bhakti-rasāmṛta-sindhu, concerning bībhatsa-bhakti-rasa.”