Śrīmad Bhāgavatam |Canto 8 Chapter 4

Gajendra Returns to the Spiritual World

VERSE 8.4.1

śrī-śuka uvāca

tadā devarṣi-gandharvā
mumucuḥ kusumāsāraṁ
śaṁsantaḥ karma tad dhareḥ


śrī-śukaḥ uvāca — Śrī Śukadeva Gosvāmī said; tadā — at that time (when Gajendra was delivered); deva-ṛṣi-gandharvāḥ — the demigods, sages and Gandharvas; brahma-īśāna-purogamāḥ — headed by Lord Brahmā and Lord Śiva; mumucuḥ — showered; kusuma-āsāram — a covering of flowers; śaṁsantaḥ — while praising; karma — transcendental activity; tat — that (gajendra-mokṣaṇa); hareḥ — of the Supreme Personality of Godhead.


Śrī Śukadeva Gosvāmī said: When the Lord delivered Gajendra, King of the elephants, all the demigods, sages and Gandharvas, headed by Brahmā and Śiva, praised this activity of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and showered flowers upon both the Lord and Gajendra.

VERSE 8.4.2

nedur dundubhayo divyā
gandharvā nanṛtur jaguḥ
ṛṣayaś cāraṇāḥ siddhās
tuṣṭuvuḥ puruṣottamam


neduḥ — vibrated; dundubhayaḥ — kettledrums; divyāḥ — in the sky of the higher planetary system; gandharvāḥ — residents of Gandharvaloka; nanṛtuḥ — danced; jaguḥ — and sang; ṛṣayaḥ — all the saintly sages; cāraṇāḥ — the inhabitants of the Cāraṇa planet; siddhāḥ — the inhabitants of the Siddha planet; tuṣṭuvuḥ — offered prayers; puruṣa-uttamam — to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Puruṣottama, the best of males.


There was a beating of kettledrums in the heavenly planets, the inhabitants of Gandharvaloka began to dance and sing, while great sages and the inhabitants of Cāraṇaloka and Siddhaloka offered prayers to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Puruṣottama.

VERSE 8.4.3-4

yo ’sau grāhaḥ sa vai sadyaḥ
mukto devala-śāpena
hūhūr gandharva-sattamaḥ

praṇamya śirasādhīśam
uttama-ślokam avyayam
agāyata yaśo-dhāma


yaḥ — he who; asau — that; grāhaḥ — became a crocodile; saḥ — he; vai — indeed; sadyaḥ — immediately; parama — very nice; āścarya — wonderful; rūpa-dhṛk — possessing the form (of his original Gandharva position); muktaḥ — was delivered; devala-śāpena — by the cursing of Devala Ṛṣi; hūhūḥ — whose name was formerly Hūhū; gandharva-sattamaḥ — the best of Gandharvaloka; praṇamya — offering his obeisances; śirasā — by the head; adhīśam — unto the supreme master; uttama-ślokam — who is worshiped by the choicest verses; avyayam — who is the supreme eternal; agāyata — he began to chant; yaśaḥ-dhāma — the glories of the Lord; kīrtanya-guṇa-sat-katham — whose transcendental pastimes and qualities are glorious.


The best of the Gandharvas, King Hūhū, having been cursed by Devala Muni, had become a crocodile. Now, having been delivered by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, he assumed a very beautiful form as a Gandharva. Understanding by whose mercy this had happened, he immediately offered his respectful obeisances with his head and began chanting prayers just suitable for the transcendental Lord, the supreme eternal, who is worshiped by the choicest verses.

VERSE 8.4.5

so ’nukampita īśena
parikramya praṇamya tam
lokasya paśyato lokaṁ
svam agān mukta-kilbiṣaḥ


saḥ — he (King Hūhū); anukampitaḥ — being favored; īśena — by the Supreme Lord; parikramya — circumambulating; praṇamya — offering his obeisances; tam — unto Him; lokasya — all the demigods and men; paśyataḥ — while seeing; lokam — to the planet; svam — his own; agāt — went back; mukta — being delivered; kilbiṣaḥ — from the reactions of his sin.


Having been favored by the causeless mercy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and having regained his original form, King Hūhū circumambulated the Lord and offered his obeisances. Then, in the presence of all the demigods, headed by Brahmā, he returned to Gandharvaloka. He had been freed of all sinful reactions.

VERSE 8.4.6

gajendro bhagavat-sparśād
vimukto ’jñāna-bandhanāt
prāpto bhagavato rūpaṁ
pīta-vāsāś catur-bhujaḥ


gajendraḥ — the King of the elephants, Gajendra; bhagavat-sparśāt — because of being touched by the hand of the Supreme Personality of Godhead; vimuktaḥ — was immediately freed; ajñāna-bandhanāt — from all kinds of ignorance, especially the bodily concept of life; prāptaḥ — achieved; bhagavataḥ — of the Supreme Personality of Godhead; rūpam — the same bodily features; pīta-vāsāḥ — wearing yellow garments; catuḥ-bhujaḥ — and four-handed, with conchshell, disc, club and lotus.


Because Gajendra, King of the elephants, had been touched directly by the hands of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, he was immediately freed of all material ignorance and bondage. Thus he received the salvation of sārūpya-mukti, in which he achieved the same bodily features as the Lord, being dressed in yellow garments and possessing four hands.

VERSE 8.4.7

sa vai pūrvam abhūd rājā
pāṇḍyo draviḍa-sattamaḥ
indradyumna iti khyāto


saḥ — this elephant (Gajendra); vai — indeed; pūrvam — formerly; abhūt — was; rājā — a king; pāṇḍyaḥ — of the country known as Pāṇḍya; draviḍa-sat-tamaḥ — the best of those born in Draviḍa-deśa, South India; indradyumnaḥ — by the name Mahārāja Indradyumna; iti — thus; khyātaḥ — celebrated; viṣṇu-vrata-parāyaṇaḥ — who was a first-class Vaiṣṇava, always engaged in the service of the Lord.


This Gajendra had formerly been a Vaiṣṇava and the king of the country known as Pāṇḍya, which is in the province of Draviḍa [South India]. In his previous life, he was known as Indradyumna Mahārāja.

VERSE 8.4.8

sa ekadārādhana-kāla ātmavān
gṛhīta-mauna-vrata īśvaraṁ harim
jaṭā-dharas tāpasa āpluto ’cyutaṁ
samarcayām āsa kulācalāśramaḥ


saḥ — that Indradyumna Mahārāja; ekadā — once upon a time; ārādhana-kāle — at the time of worshiping the Deity; ātmavān — engaged in devotional service in meditation with great attention; gṛhīta — taken; mauna-vrataḥ — the vow of silence (not talking with anyone); īśvaram — the supreme controller; harim — the Personality of Godhead; jaṭā-dharaḥ — with matted locks; tāpasaḥ — always engaged in austerity; āplutaḥ — always merged in love for the Supreme Personality of Godhead; acyutam — the infallible Lord; samarcayām āsa — was worshiping; kulācala-āśramaḥ — he made his āśrama in Kulācala (the Malaya Hills).


Indradyumna Mahārāja retired from family life and went to the Malaya Hills, where he had a small cottage for his āśrama. He wore matted locks on his head and always engaged in austerities. Once, while observing a vow of silence, he was fully engaged in the worship of the Lord and absorbed in the ecstasy of love of Godhead.

VERSE 8.4.9

yadṛcchayā tatra mahā-yaśā muniḥ
samāgamac chiṣya-gaṇaiḥ pariśritaḥ
taṁ vīkṣya tūṣṇīm akṛtārhaṇādikaṁ
rahasy upāsīnam ṛṣiś cukopa ha


yadṛcchayā — out of his own will (without being invited); tatra — there; mahā-yaśāḥ — very celebrated, well-known; muniḥ — Agastya Muni; samāgamat — arrived; śiṣya-gaṇaiḥ — by his disciples; pariśritaḥ — surrounded; tam — him; vīkṣya — seeing; tūṣṇīm — silent; akṛta-arhaṇa-ādikam — without offering a respectful reception; rahasi — in a secluded place; upāsīnam — sitting in meditation; ṛṣiḥ — the great sage; cukopa — became very angry; ha — it so happened.


While Indradyumna Mahārāja was engaged in ecstatic meditation, worshiping the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the great sage Agastya Muni arrived there, surrounded by his disciples. When the Muni saw that Mahārāja Indradyumna, who was sitting in a secluded place, remained silent and did not follow the etiquette of offering him a reception, he was very angry.

VERSE 8.4.10

tasmā imaṁ śāpam adād asādhur
ayaṁ durātmākṛta-buddhir adya
viprāvamantā viśatāṁ tamisraṁ
yathā gajaḥ stabdha-matiḥ sa eva


tasmai — unto Mahārāja Indradyumna; imam — this; śāpam — curse; adāt — he gave; asādhuḥ — not at all gentle; ayam — this; durātmā — degraded soul; akṛta — without education; buddhiḥ — his intelligence; adya — now; vipra — of a brāhmaṇa; avamantā — insulter; viśatām — let him enter; tamisram — darkness; yathā — as; gajaḥ — an elephant; stabdha-matiḥ — possessing blunt intelligence; saḥ — he; eva — indeed.


Agastya Muni then spoke this curse against the King: This King Indradyumna is not at all gentle. Being low and uneducated, he has insulted a brāhmaṇa. May he therefore enter the region of darkness and receive the dull, dumb body of an elephant.

VERSE 8.4.11-12

śrī-śuka uvāca

evaṁ śaptvā gato ’gastyo
bhagavān nṛpa sānugaḥ
indradyumno ’pi rājarṣir
diṣṭaṁ tad upadhārayan

āpannaḥ kauñjarīṁ yonim
yad-gajatve ’py anusmṛtiḥ


śrī-śukaḥ uvāca — Śrī Śukadeva Gosvāmī said; evam — thus; śaptvā — after cursing; gataḥ — left that place; agastyaḥ — Agastya Muni; bhagavān — so powerful; nṛpa — O King; sa-anugaḥ — with his associates; indradyumnaḥ — King Indradyumna; api — also; rājarṣiḥ — although he was a rājarṣi; diṣṭam — because of past deeds; tat — that curse; upadhārayan — considering; āpannaḥ — got; kauñjarīm — of an elephant; yonim — the species; ātma-smṛti — remembrance of one’s identity; vināśinīm — which destroys; hari — the Supreme Personality of Godhead; arcana-anubhāvena — because of worshiping; yat — that; gajatve — in the body of an elephant; api — although; anusmṛtiḥ — the opportunity to remember his past devotional service.


Śukadeva Gosvāmī continued: My dear King, after Agastya Muni had thus cursed King Indradyumna, the Muni left that place along with his disciples. Since the King was a devotee, he accepted Agastya Muni’s curse as welcome because it was the desire of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Therefore, although in his next life he got the body of an elephant, because of devotional service he remembered how to worship and offer prayers to the Lord.

VERSE 8.4.13

evaṁ vimokṣya gaja-yūtha-pam abja-nābhas
tenāpi pārṣada-gatiṁ gamitena yuktaḥ
gandharva-siddha-vibudhair upagīyamāna-
karmādbhutaṁ sva-bhavanaṁ garuḍāsano ’gāt


evam — thus; vimokṣya — delivering; gaja-yūtha-pam — the King of the elephants, Gajendra; abja-nābhaḥ — the Supreme Personality of Godhead, from whose navel sprouts a lotus flower; tena — by him (Gajendra); api — also; pārṣada-gatim — the position of the Lord’s associate; gamitena — who had already gotten; yuktaḥ — accompanied; gandharva — by the denizens of Gandharvaloka; siddha — the denizens of Siddhaloka; vibudhaiḥ — and by all great learned sages; upagīyamāna — were being glorified; karma — whose transcendental activities; adbhutam — all-wonderful; sva-bhavanam — to His own abode; garuḍa-āsanaḥ — sitting on the back of Garuḍa; agāt — returned.


Upon delivering the King of the elephants from the clutches of the crocodile, and from material existence, which resembles a crocodile, the Lord awarded him the status of sārūpya-mukti. In the presence of the Gandharvas, the Siddhas and the other demigods, who were praising the Lord for His wonderful transcendental activities, the Lord, sitting on the back of His carrier, Garuḍa, returned to His all-wonderful abode and took Gajendra with Him.

VERSE 8.4.14

etan mahā-rāja taverito mayā
kṛṣṇānubhāvo gaja-rāja-mokṣaṇam
svargyaṁ yaśasyaṁ kali-kalmaṣāpahaṁ
duḥsvapna-nāśaṁ kuru-varya śṛṇvatām


etat — this; mahā-rāja — O King Parīkṣit; tava — unto you; īritaḥ — described; mayā — by me; kṛṣṇa-anubhāvaḥ — the unlimited potency of Lord Kṛṣṇa (by which He can deliver a devotee); gaja-rāja-mokṣaṇam — delivering the King of the elephants; svargyam — giving elevation to higher planetary systems; yaśasyam — increasing one’s reputation as a devotee; kali-kalmaṣa-apaham — diminishing the contamination of the Kali-yuga; duḥsvapna-nāśam — counteracting the causes of bad dreams; kuru-varya — O best among the Kurus; śṛṇvatām — of persons who hear this narration.


My dear King Parīkṣit, I have now described the wonderful power of Kṛṣṇa, as displayed when the Lord delivered the King of the elephants. O best of the Kuru dynasty, those who hear this narration become fit to be promoted to the higher planetary systems. Simply because of hearing this narration, they gain a reputation as devotees, they are unaffected by the contamination of Kali-yuga, and they never see bad dreams.

VERSE 8.4.15

yathānukīrtayanty etac
chreyas-kāmā dvijātayaḥ
śucayaḥ prātar utthāya


yathā — without deviation; anukīrtayanti — they chant; etat — this narration of the deliverance of Gajendra; śreyaḥ-kāmāḥ — persons who desire their own auspiciousness; dvi-jātayaḥ — the twice-born (brāhmaṇas, kṣatriyas and vaiśyas); śucayaḥ — especially the brāhmaṇas, who are always clean; prātaḥ — in the morning; utthāya — after getting up from sleep; duḥsvapna-ādi — beginning with sleeping badly at night; upaśāntaye — to counteract all troublesome positions.


Therefore, after getting up from bed in the morning, those who desire their own welfare — especially the brāhmaṇas, kṣatriyas, vaiśyas and in particular the brāhmaṇa Vaiṣṇavas — should chant this narration as it is, without deviation, to counteract the troubles of bad dreams.

VERSE 8.4.16

idam āha hariḥ prīto
gajendraṁ kuru-sattama
śṛṇvatāṁ sarva-bhūtānāṁ
sarva-bhūta-mayo vibhuḥ


idam — this; āha — said; hariḥ — the Supreme Personality of Godhead; prītaḥ — being pleased; gajendram — unto Gajendra; kuru-sat-tama — O best of the Kuru dynasty; śṛṇvatām — hearing; sarva-bhūtānām — in the presence of everyone; sarva-bhūta-mayaḥ — all-pervading Personality of Godhead; vibhuḥ — the great.


O best of the Kuru dynasty, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the Supersoul of everyone, being thus pleased, addressed Gajendra in the presence of everyone there. He spoke the following blessings.

VERSE 8.4.17-24

śrī-bhagavān uvāca

ye māṁ tvāṁ ca saraś cedaṁ
gulmāni sura-pādapān

śṛṅgāṇīmāni dhiṣṇyāni
brahmaṇo me śivasya ca
kṣīrodaṁ me priyaṁ dhāma
śveta-dvīpaṁ ca bhāsvaram

śrīvatsaṁ kaustubhaṁ mālāṁ
gadāṁ kaumodakīṁ mama
sudarśanaṁ pāñcajanyaṁ
suparṇaṁ patageśvaram

śeṣaṁ ca mat-kalāṁ sūkṣmāṁ
śriyaṁ devīṁ mad-āśrayām
brahmāṇaṁ nāradam ṛṣiṁ
bhavaṁ prahrādam eva ca

avatāraiḥ kṛtāni me
karmāṇy ananta-puṇyāni
sūryaṁ somaṁ hutāśanam

praṇavaṁ satyam avyaktaṁ
go-viprān dharmam avyayam
dākṣāyaṇīr dharma-patnīḥ
soma-kaśyapayor api

gaṅgāṁ sarasvatīṁ nandāṁ
kālindīṁ sita-vāraṇam
dhruvaṁ brahma-ṛṣīn sapta
puṇya-ślokāṁś ca mānavān

prayatāḥ susamāhitāḥ
smaranti mama rūpāṇi
mucyante te ’ṁhaso ’khilāt


śrī-bhagavān uvāca — the Supreme Personality of Godhead said; ye — those who; mām — Me; tvām — you; ca — also; saraḥ — lake; ca — also; idam — this; giri — hill (Trikūṭa Mountain); kandara — caves; kānanam — gardens; vetra — of cane; kīcaka — hollow bamboo; veṇūnām — and of another kind of bamboo; gulmāni — clusters; sura-pādapān — celestial trees; śṛṅgāṇi — the peaks; imāni — these; dhiṣṇyāni — abodes; brahmaṇaḥ — of Lord Brahmā; me — of Me; śivasya — of Lord Śiva; ca — also; kṣīra-udam — the Ocean of Milk; me — My; priyam — very dear; dhāma — place; śveta-dvīpam — known as the white island; ca — also; bhāsvaram — always brilliant with spiritual rays; śrīvatsam — the mark named Śrīvatsa; kaustubham — the Kaustubha gem; mālām — garland; gadām — club; kaumodakīm — known as Kaumodakī; mama — My; sudarśanam — Sudarśana disc; pāñcajanyam — conchshell named Pāñcajanya; suparṇam — Garuḍa; pataga-īśvaram — the king of all birds; śeṣam — the resting place Śeṣa Nāga; ca — and; mat-kalām — My expanded part; sūkṣmām — very subtle; śriyam devīm — the goddess of fortune; mat-āśrayām — all dependent upon Me; brahmāṇam — Lord Brahmā; nāradam ṛṣim — the great saint Nārada Muni; bhavam — Lord Śiva; prahrādam eva ca — as well as Prahlāda; matsya — the Matsya incarnation; kūrma — the Kūrma incarnation; varāha — the boar incarnation; ādyaiḥ — and so on; avatāraiḥ — by different incarnations; kṛtāni — done; me — My; karmāṇi — activities; ananta — unlimited; puṇyāni — auspicious, pious; sūryam — the sun-god; somam — the moon-god; hutāśanam — the fire-god; praṇavam — the oṁkāra mantra; satyam — the Absolute Truth; avyaktam — the total material energy; go-viprān — the cows and brāhmaṇas; dharmam — devotional service; avyayam — never ending; dākṣāyaṇīḥ — the daughters of Dakṣa; dharma-patnīḥ — bona fide wives; soma — of the moon-god; kaśyapayoḥ — and of the great ṛṣi Kaśyapa; api — also; gaṅgām — the river Ganges; sarasvatīm — the river Sarasvatī; nandām — the river Nandā; kālindīm — the river Yamunā; sita-vāraṇam — the elephant Airāvata; dhruvam — Dhruva Mahārāja; brahma-ṛṣīn — great ṛṣis; sapta — seven; puṇya-ślokān — extremely pious; ca — and; mānavān — human beings; utthāya — getting up; apara-rātra-ante — at the end of the night; prayatāḥ — being very careful; su-samāhitāḥ — with concentrated minds; smaranti — remember; mama — My; rūpāṇi — forms; mucyante — are delivered; te — such persons; aṁhasaḥ — from sinful reactions; akhilāt — of all kinds.


The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: Freed from all sinful reactions are those who rise from bed at the end of night, early in the morning, and fully concentrate their minds with great attention upon My form; your form; this lake; this mountain; the caves; the gardens; the cane plants; the bamboo plants; the celestial trees; the residential quarters of Me, Lord Brahmā and Lord Śiva; the three peaks of Trikūṭa Mountain, made of gold, silver and iron; My very pleasing abode [the Ocean of Milk]; the white island, Śvetadvīpa, which is always brilliant with spiritual rays; My mark of Śrīvatsa; the Kaustubha gem; My Vaijayantī garland; My club, Kaumodakī; My Sudarśana disc and Pāñcajanya conchshell; My bearer, Garuḍa, the king of the birds; My bed, Śeṣa Nāga; My expansion of energy the goddess of fortune; Lord Brahmā; Nārada Muni; Lord Śiva; Prahlāda; My incarnations like Matsya, Kūrma and Varāha; My unlimited all-auspicious activities, which yield piety to he who hears them; the sun; the moon; fire; the mantra oṁkāra; the Absolute Truth; the total material energy; the cows and brāhmaṇas; devotional service; the wives of Soma and Kaśyapa, who are all daughters of King Dakṣa; the rivers Ganges, Sarasvatī, Nandā and Yamunā [Kālindī]; the elephant Airāvata; Dhruva Mahārāja; the seven ṛṣis; and the pious human beings.

VERSE 8.4.25

ye māṁ stuvanty anenāṅga
pratibudhya niśātyaye
teṣāṁ prāṇātyaye cāhaṁ
dadāmi vipulāṁ gatim


ye — those who; mām — unto Me; stuvanti — offer prayers; anena — in this way; aṅga — O King; pratibudhya — getting up; niśa-atyaye — at the end of night; teṣām — for them; prāṇa-atyaye — at the time of death; ca — also; aham — I; dadāmi — give; vipulām — the eternal, unlimited; gatim — transferral to the spiritual world.


My dear devotee, unto those who rise from bed at the end of night and offer Me the prayers offered by you, I give an eternal residence in the spiritual world at the end of their lives.

VERSE 8.4.26

śrī-śuka uvāca

ity ādiśya hṛṣīkeśaḥ
prādhmāya jalajottamam
harṣayan vibudhānīkam
āruroha khagādhipam


śrī-śukaḥ uvāca — Śrī Śukadeva Gosvāmī said; iti — thus; ādiśya — advising; hṛṣīkeśaḥ — the Supreme Personality of Godhead, known as Hṛṣīkeśa; prādhmāya — blowing; jala-ja-uttamam — the conchshell, the best of the aquatics; harṣayan — pleasing; vibudha-anīkam — the host of demigods, headed by Lord Brahmā and Lord Śiva; āruroha — got up; khaga-adhipam — on the back of Garuḍa.


Śrī Śukadeva Gosvāmī continued: After giving this instruction, the Lord, who is known as Hṛṣīkeśa, bugled with His Pāñcajanya conchshell, in this way pleasing all the demigods, headed by Lord Brahmā. Then He mounted the back of His carrier, Garuḍa.