Lord Kṛṣṇa’s Instructions on the Process of Deity Worship
VERSE 11.27.1
śrī-uddhava uvāca
kriyā-yogaṁ samācakṣva
bhavad-ārādhanaṁ prabho
yasmāt tvāṁ ye yathārcanti
sātvatāḥ sātvatarṣabha
śrī-uddhavaḥ uvāca — Śrī Uddhava said; kriyā-yogam — the prescribed method of activity; samācakṣva — please explain; bhavat — of You; ārādhanam — the Deity worship; prabho — O Lord; yasmāt — based on what kind of form; tvām — You; ye — who; yathā — in what manner; arcanti — they worship; sātvatāḥ — the devotees; sātvata-ṛṣabha — O master of the devotees.
Śrī Uddhava said: My dear Lord, O master of the devotees, please explain to me the prescribed method of worshiping You in Your Deity form. What are the qualifications of those devotees who worship the Deity, on what basis is such worship established, and what is the specific method of worship?
VERSE 11.27.2
etad vadanti munayo
muhur niḥśreyasaṁ nṛṇām
nārado bhagavān vyāsa
ācāryo ’ṅgirasaḥ sutaḥ
etat — this; vadanti — they say; munayaḥ — the great sages; muhuḥ — repeatedly; niḥśreyasam — the highest goal of life; nṛṇām — for men; nāradaḥ — Nārada Muni; bhagavān vyāsaḥ — Śrīla Vedavyāsa; ācāryaḥ — my spiritual master; aṅgirasaḥ — of Aṅgirā; sutaḥ — the son.
All the great sages repeatedly declare that such worship brings the greatest benefit possible in human life. This is the opinion of Nārada Muni, the great Vyāsadeva and my own spiritual master, Bṛhaspati.
VERSE 11.27.3-4
niḥsṛtaṁ te mukhāmbhojād
yad āha bhagavān ajaḥ
putrebhyo bhṛgu-mukhyebhyo
devyai ca bhagavān bhavaḥ
etad vai sarva-varṇānām
āśramāṇāṁ ca sammatam
śreyasām uttamaṁ manye
strī-śūdrāṇāṁ ca māna-da
niḥsṛtam — emanated; te — Your; mukha-ambhojāt — from the lotus mouth; yat — which; āha — spoke; bhagavān — the great lord; ajaḥ — self-born Brahmā; putrebhyaḥ — to his sons; bhṛgu-mukhyebhyaḥ — headed by Bhṛgu; devyai — to the goddess Pārvatī; ca — and; bhagavān bhavaḥ — Lord Śiva; etat — this (process of Deity worship); vai — indeed; sarva-varṇānām — by all the occupational classes of society; āśramāṇām — and spiritual orders; ca — also; sammatam — approved; śreyasām — of different kinds of benefit in life; uttamam — the topmost; manye — I think; strī — for women; śūdrāṇām — and low-class workers; ca — also; māna-da — O magnanimous Lord.
O most magnanimous Lord, the instructions on this process of Deity worship first emanated from Your lotus mouth. Then they were spoken by the great Lord Brahmā to his sons, headed by Bhṛgu, and by Lord Śiva to his wife, Pārvatī. This process is accepted by and appropriate for all the occupational and spiritual orders of society. Therefore I consider worship of You in Your Deity form to be the most beneficial of all spiritual practices, even for women and śūdras.
VERSE 11.27.5
etat kamala-patrākṣa
bhaktāya cānuraktāya
brūhi viśveśvareśvara
etat — this; kamala-patra-akṣa — O lotus-eyed Lord; karma-bandha — from the bondage of material work; vimocanam — the means of liberation; bhaktāya — to Your devotee; anuraktāya — who is very attached; brūhi — please speak; viśva-īśvara — of all the lords of the universe; īśvara — O Supreme Lord.
O lotus-eyed one, O Supreme Lord of all lords of the universe, please explain to Your devoted servant this means of liberation from the bondage of work.
VERSE 11.27.6
śrī-bhagavān uvāca
na hy anto ’nanta-pārasya
karma-kāṇḍasya coddhava
saṅkṣiptaṁ varṇayiṣyāmi
yathāvad anupūrvaśaḥ
śrī-bhagavān uvāca — the Supreme Personality of Godhead said; na — there is not; hi — indeed; antaḥ — any end; ananta-pārasya — of the boundless; karma-kāṇḍasya — Vedic prescriptions for the execution of worship; ca — and; uddhava — O Uddhava; saṅkṣiptam — in brief; varṇayiṣyāmi — I shall explain; yathā-vat — in a suitable manner; anupūrvaśaḥ — in the appropriate order.
The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: My dear Uddhava, there is no end to the innumerable Vedic prescriptions for executing Deity worship; so I shall explain this topic to you briefly, one step at a time.
VERSE 11.27.7
vaidikas tāntriko miśra
iti me tri-vidho makhaḥ
trayāṇām īpsitenaiva
vidhinā māṁ samarcaret
vaidikaḥ — according to the four Vedas; tāntrikaḥ — according to practical, explanatory literatures; miśraḥ — mixed; iti — thus; me — of Me; tri-vidhaḥ — of three kinds; makhaḥ — sacrifice; trayāṇām — of the three; īpsitena — that which one feels to be most suitable; eva — certainly; vidhinā — by the process; mām — Me; samarcaret — one should properly worship.
One should carefully worship Me by selecting one of the three methods by which I receive sacrifice: Vedic, tantric or mixed.
VERSE 11.27.8
yadā sva-nigamenoktaṁ
dvijatvaṁ prāpya pūruṣaḥ
yathā yajeta māṁ bhaktyā
śraddhayā tan nibodha me
yadā — when; sva — specified according to one’s qualification; nigamena — by the Vedas; uktam — enjoined; dvijatvam — the status of becoming twice-born; prāpya — achieving; pūruṣaḥ — a person; yathā — in which way; yajeta — he should execute worship; mām — unto Me; bhaktyā — with devotion; śraddhayā — with faith; tat — that; nibodha — please hear; me — from Me.
Now please listen faithfully as I explain exactly how a person who has achieved twice-born status through the relevant Vedic prescriptions should worship Me with devotion.
VERSE 11.27.9
arcāyāṁ sthaṇḍile ’gnau vā
sūrye vāpsu hṛdi dvijaḥ
dravyeṇa bhakti-yukto ’rcet
sva-guruṁ mām amāyayā
arcāyām — within the Deity form; sthaṇḍile — in the earth; agnau — in fire; vā — or; sūrye — in the sun; vā — or; apsu — in water; hṛdi — in the heart; dvijaḥ — the brāhmaṇa; dravyeṇa — by various paraphernalia; bhakti-yuktaḥ — endowed with devotion; arcet — he should worship; sva-gurum — his worshipable Lord; mām — Me; amāyayā — without any deception.
A twice-born person should worship Me, his worshipable Lord, without duplicity, offering appropriate paraphernalia in loving devotion to My Deity form or to a form of Me appearing upon the ground, in fire, in the sun, in water or within the worshiper’s own heart.
VERSE 11.27.10
pūrvaṁ snānaṁ prakurvīta
dhauta-danto ’ṅga-śuddhaye
ubhayair api ca snānaṁ
mantrair mṛd-grahaṇādinā
pūrvam — first; snānam — bath; prakurvīta — one should perform; dhauta — having cleaned; dantaḥ — his teeth; aṅga — of the body; śuddhaye — for purification; ubhayaiḥ — with both kinds; api ca — also; snānam — bathing; mantraiḥ — with mantras; mṛt-grahaṇa-ādinā — by smearing with earth and so on.
One should first purify his body by cleansing his teeth and bathing. Then one should perform a second cleansing by smearing the body with earth and chanting both Vedic and tantric mantras.
VERSE 11.27.11
vedenācoditāni me
pūjāṁ taiḥ kalpayet samyak-
saṅkalpaḥ karma-pāvanīm
sandhyā — at the three junctures of the day (dawn, noon and sunset); upāsti — worship (by chanting the Gāyatrī mantra); ādi — and so on; karmāṇi — prescribed duties; vedena — by the Vedas; ācoditāni — recommended; me — My; pūjām — worship; taiḥ — by these activities; kalpayet — one should perform; samyak-saṅkalpaḥ — who has perfectly fixed his determination (that the object of his endeavor will be the Personality of Godhead); karma — the reaction of fruitive work; pāvanīm — which eradicates.
Fixing the mind on Me, one should worship Me by his various prescribed duties, such as chanting the Gāyatrī mantra at the three junctures of the day. Such performances are enjoined by the Vedas and purify the worshiper of reactions to fruitive activities.
VERSE 11.27.12
śailī dāru-mayī lauhī
lepyā lekhyā ca saikatī
mano-mayī maṇi-mayī
pratimāṣṭa-vidhā smṛtā
śailī — made of stone; dāru-mayī — made of wood; lauhī — made of metal; lepyā — made of clay, sandalwood and other substances laid down as a paste; lekhyā — painted; ca — and; saikatī — made of sand; manaḥ-mayī — conceived of in the mind; maṇi-mayī — made of jewels; pratimā — the Deity; aṣṭa-vidhā — in eight varieties; smṛtā — it is remembered.
The Deity form of the Lord is said to appear in eight varieties — stone, wood, metal, earth, paint, sand, the mind or jewels.
VERSE 11.27.13
calācaleti dvi-vidhā
pratiṣṭhā jīva-mandiram
udvāsāvāhane na staḥ
sthirāyām uddhavārcane
calā — movable; acalā — immovable; iti — thus; dvi-vidhā — of two varieties; pratiṣṭhā — the installation; jīva-mandiram — of the Deity, who is the shelter of all living entities; udvāsa — sending away; āvāhane — and calling forth; na staḥ — are not done; sthirāyām — for the permanently established Deity; uddhava — My dear Uddhava; arcane — in His worship.
The Deity form of the Lord, who is the shelter of all living entities, can be established in two ways: temporarily or permanently. But a permanent Deity, having been called, can never be sent away, My dear Uddhava.
VERSE 11.27.14
asthirāyāṁ vikalpaḥ syāt
sthaṇḍile tu bhaved dvayam
snapanaṁ tv avilepyāyām
anyatra parimārjanam
asthirāyām — in the case of the temporarily installed Deity; vikalpaḥ — an option (as to whether the Deity is to be called and sent away); syāt — there is; sthaṇḍile — in the case of the Deity traced upon the ground; tu — but; bhavet — do occur; dvayam — these two rituals; snapanam — the bathing; tu — but; avilepyāyām — in the case when the Deity is not made out of clay (or paint or wood); anyatra — in the other cases; parimārjanam — thorough cleansing, but without water.
The Deity that is temporarily established can optionally be called forth and sent away, but these two rituals should always be performed when the Deity is traced upon the ground. Bathing should be done with water except if the Deity is made of clay, paint or wood, in which cases a thorough cleansing without water is enjoined.
VERSE 11.27.15
dravyaiḥ prasiddhair mad-yāgaḥ
pratimādiṣv amāyinaḥ
bhaktasya ca yathā-labdhair
hṛdi bhāvena caiva hi
dravyaiḥ — with items of paraphernalia; prasiddhaiḥ — excellent; mat-yāgaḥ — My worship; pratimā-ādiṣu — in the different Deity forms; amāyinaḥ — who has no material desire; bhaktasya — of a devotee; ca — and; yathā-labdhaiḥ — by whatever paraphernalia he can easily obtain; hṛdi — in the heart; bhāvena — by mental conception; ca — and; eva hi — certainly.
One should worship Me in My Deity forms by offering the most excellent paraphernalia. But a devotee completely freed from material desire may worship Me with whatever he is able to obtain, and may even worship Me within his heart with mental paraphernalia.
VERSE 11.27.16-17
snānālaṅkaraṇaṁ preṣṭham
arcāyām eva tūddhava
sthaṇḍile tattva-vinyāso
vahnāv ājya-plutaṁ haviḥ
sūrye cābhyarhaṇaṁ preṣṭhaṁ
salile salilādibhiḥ
śraddhayopāhṛtaṁ preṣṭhaṁ
bhaktena mama vāry api
snāna — bathing; alaṅkaraṇam — and decorating with clothing and ornaments; preṣṭham — is most appreciated; arcāyām — for the Deity form; eva — certainly; tu — and; uddhava — O Uddhava; sthaṇḍile — for the Deity drawn upon the ground; tattva-vinyāsaḥ — establishing the expansions and potencies of the Lord within the various limbs of the Deity by chanting the respective mantras; vahnau — for the sacrificial fire; ājya — in ghee; plutam — drenched; haviḥ — the oblations of sesame, barley and so on; sūrye — for the sun; ca — and; abhyarhaṇam — the yoga meditation of twelve āsanas and offerings of arghya; preṣṭham — most dear; salile — for the water; salila-ādibhiḥ — by offerings of water and so on; śraddhayā — with faith; upāhṛtam — presented; preṣṭham — most dear; bhaktena — by the devotee; mama — My; vāri — water; api — even.
In worshiping the temple Deity, my dear Uddhava, bathing and decoration are the most pleasing offerings. For the Deity traced on sacred ground, the process of tattva-vinyāsa is most dear. Oblations of sesame and barley soaked in ghee are the preferred offering to the sacrificial fire, whereas worship consisting of upasthāna and arghya is preferred for the sun. One should worship Me in the form of water by offering water itself. Actually, whatever is offered to Me with faith by My devotee — even if only a little water — is most dear to Me.
VERSE 11.27.18
bhūry apy abhaktopāhṛtaṁ
na me toṣāya kalpate
gandho dhūpaḥ sumanaso
dīpo ’nnādyaṁ ca kiṁ punaḥ
bhūri — opulent; api — even; abhakta — by a nondevotee; upāhṛtam — offered; na — does not; me — My; toṣāya — satisfaction; kalpate — create; gandhaḥ — fragrance; dhūpaḥ — incense; sumanasaḥ — flowers; dīpaḥ — lamps; anna-ādyam — foodstuffs; ca — and; kim punaḥ — what to speak of.
Even very opulent presentations do not satisfy Me if they are offered by nondevotees. But I am pleased by any insignificant offering made by My loving devotees, and I am certainly most pleased when nice presentations of fragrant oil, incense, flowers and palatable foods are offered with love.
VERSE 11.27.19
śuciḥ sambhṛta-sambhāraḥ
prāg-darbhaiḥ kalpitāsanaḥ
āsīnaḥ prāg udag vārced
arcāyāṁ tv atha sammukhaḥ
śuciḥ — clean; sambhṛta — having collected; sambhāraḥ — the paraphernalia; prāk — their tips facing the east; darbhaiḥ — with blades of kuśa grass; kalpita — having arranged; āsanaḥ — his own seat; āsīnaḥ — sitting; prāk — facing the east; udak — facing the north; vā — or; arcet — he should perform the worship; arcāyām — of the Deity; tu — but; atha — or else; sammukhaḥ — directly facing.
After cleansing himself and collecting all the paraphernalia, the worshiper should arrange his own seat with blades of kuśa grass whose tips point eastward. He should then sit facing either east or north, or else, if the Deity is fixed in one place, he should sit directly facing the Deity.
VERSE 11.27.20
kṛta-nyāsaḥ kṛta-nyāsāṁ
mad-arcāṁ pāṇināmṛjet
kalaśaṁ prokṣaṇīyaṁ ca
yathāvad upasādhayet
kṛta-nyāsaḥ — having sanctified his own body (by touching various parts and chanting appropriate mantras while meditating on the corresponding forms of the Supreme Lord); kṛta-nyāsām — (the Deity) upon which the same process has been applied; mat-arcām — My Deity manifestation; pāṇinā — with his hand; āmṛjet — should clean (by removing remnants of old offerings); kalaśam — the ritual pot filled with auspicious substances; prokṣaṇīyam — the vessel containing water for sprinkling; ca — and; yathā-vat — appropriately; upasādhayet — he should prepare.
The devotee should sanctify the various parts of his body by touching them and chanting mantras. He should do the same for My Deity form, and then with his hands he should clean the Deity of old flowers and the remnants of previous offerings. He should properly prepare the sacred pot and the vessel containing water for sprinkling.
VERSE 11.27.21
tad-adbhir deva-yajanaṁ
dravyāṇy ātmānam eva ca
prokṣya pātrāṇi trīṇy adbhis
tais tair dravyaiś ca sādhayet
tat — of the vessel for sprinkling; adbhiḥ — with the water; deva-yajanam — the place where the Deity is worshiped; dravyāṇi — the paraphernalia; ātmānam — one’s own body; eva — indeed; ca — also; prokṣya — sprinkling; pātrāṇi — the vessels; trīṇi — three; adbhiḥ — with water; taiḥ taiḥ — with those available; dravyaiḥ — auspicious items; ca — and; sādhayet — he should arrange.
Then, with the water of that prokṣaṇīya vessel he should sprinkle the area where the Deity is being worshiped, the offerings that are going to be presented, and his own body. Next he should decorate with various auspicious substances three vessels filled with water.
VERSE 11.27.22
trīṇi pātrāṇi deśikaḥ
hṛdā śīrṣṇātha śikhayā
gāyatryā cābhimantrayet
pādya — of the water offered to the Lord for bathing His feet; arghya — the water offered to the Lord as a token of respectful greeting; ācamanīya — and the water offered to the Lord for washing His mouth; artham — placed there for the purpose; trīṇi — three; pātrāṇi — the vessels; deśikaḥ — the worshiper; hṛdā — by the “heart” mantra; śīrṣṇā — by the “head” mantra; atha — and; śikhayā — by the “crown” mantra; gāyatryā — and by the Gāyatrī mantra; ca — also; abhimantrayet — he should perform purification by chanting.
The worshiper should then purify those three vessels. He should sanctify the vessel holding water for washing the Lord’s feet by chanting hṛdayāya namaḥ, the vessel containing water for arghya by chanting śirase svāhā, and the vessel containing water for washing the Lord’s mouth by chanting śikhāyai vaṣaṭ. Also, the Gāyatrī mantra should be chanted for all three vessels.
VERSE 11.27.23
piṇḍe vāyv-agni-saṁśuddhe
hṛt-padma-sthāṁ parāṁ mama
aṇvīṁ jīva-kalāṁ dhyāyen
nādānte siddha-bhāvitām
piṇḍe — within the body; vāyu — by air; agni — and by fire; saṁśuddhe — which has become completely purified; hṛt — of the heart; padma — upon the lotus; sthām — situated; parām — the transcendental form; mama — of Mine; aṇvīm — very subtle; jīva-kalām — the Personality of Godhead, from whom all living entities expand; dhyāyet — he should meditate upon; nāda-ante — at the end of the vibration of om; siddha — by perfected sages; bhāvitām — experienced.
The worshiper should meditate upon My subtle form — which is situated within the worshiper’s own body, now purified by air and fire — as the source of all living entities. This form of the Lord is experienced by self-realized sages in the last part of the vibration of the sacred syllable om.
VERSE 11.27.24
tayātma-bhūtayā piṇḍe
vyāpte sampūjya tan-mayaḥ
āvāhyārcādiṣu sthāpya
nyastāṅgaṁ māṁ prapūjayet
tayā — by that form meditated upon; ātma-bhūtayā — conceived of according to one’s own realization; piṇḍe — in the physical body; vyāpte — which has become pervaded; sampūjya — perfectly worshiping that form; tat-mayaḥ — surcharged by His presence; āvāhya — inviting; arcā-ādiṣu — within the various Deities being worshiped; sthāpya — establishing Him; nyasta-aṅgam — having touched the Deity’s various limbs with the chanting of appropriate mantras; mām — to Me; prapūjayet — he should carry out all the details of worship.
The devotee conceives of the Supersoul, whose presence surcharges the devotee’s body, in the form corresponding to his realization. Thus the devotee worships the Lord to his full capacity and becomes fully absorbed in Him. By touching the various limbs of the Deity and chanting appropriate mantras, the devotee should invite the Supersoul to join the Deity’s form, and then the devotee should worship Me.
VERSE 11.27.25-26
upacārān prakalpayet
dharmādibhiś ca navabhiḥ
kalpayitvāsanaṁ mama
padmam aṣṭa-dalaṁ tatra
ubhābhyāṁ veda-tantrābhyāṁ
mahyaṁ tūbhaya-siddhaye
pādya — water for washing the Lord’s feet; upasparśa — water for washing the Lord’s mouth; arhaṇa — water presented as arghya; ādīn — and other paraphernalia; upacārān — the offerings; prakalpayet — one should make; dharma-ādibhiḥ — with the personifications of religion, knowledge, renunciation and opulence; ca — and; navabhiḥ — with the nine (energies of the Lord); kalpayitvā — having imagined; āsanam — the seat; mama — My; padmam — a lotus; aṣṭa-dalam — having eight petals; tatra — therein; karṇikā — in the whorl; kesara — with saffron filaments; ujjvalam — effulgent; ubhābhyām — by both means; veda-tantrābhyām — of the Vedas and tantras; mahyam — to Me; tu — and; ubhaya — of both (enjoyment and liberation); siddhaye — for the achievement.
The worshiper should first imagine My seat as decorated with the personified deities of religion, knowledge, renunciation and opulence and with My nine spiritual energies. He should think of the Lord’s sitting place as an eight-petaled lotus, effulgent on account of the saffron filaments within its whorl. Then, following the regulations of both the Vedas and the tantras, he should offer Me water for washing the feet, water for washing the mouth, arghya and other items of worship. By this process he achieves both material enjoyment and liberation.
VERSE 11.27.27
sudarśanaṁ pāñcajanyaṁ
muṣalaṁ kaustubhaṁ mālāṁ
śrīvatsaṁ cānupūjayet
sudarśanam — the Lord’s disc; pāñcajanyam — the Lord’s conchshell; gadā — His club; asi — sword; iṣu — arrows; dhanuḥ — bow; halān — and plow; muṣalam — His muṣala weapon; kaustubham — the Kaustubha gem; mālām — His garland; śrīvatsam — the decoration of Śrīvatsa on His chest; ca — and; anupūjayet — one should worship one after another.
One should worship, in order, the Lord’s Sudarśana disc, His Pāñcajanya conchshell, His club, sword, bow, arrows and plow, His muṣala weapon, His Kaustubha gem, His flower garland and the Śrīvatsa curl of hair on His chest.
VERSE 11.27.28
nandaṁ sunandaṁ garuḍaṁ
pracaṇḍaṁ caṇḍam eva ca
mahābalaṁ balaṁ caiva
kumudaṁ kumudekṣaṇam
nandam sunandam garuḍam — named Nanda, Sunanda and Garuḍa; pracaṇḍam caṇḍam — Pracaṇḍa and Caṇḍa; eva — indeed; ca — also; mahā-balam balam — Mahābala and Bala; ca — and; eva — indeed; kumudam kumuda-īkṣaṇam — Kumuda and Kumudekṣaṇa.
One should worship the Lord’s associates Nanda and Sunanda, Garuḍa, Pracaṇḍa and Caṇḍa, Mahābala and Bala, and Kumuda and Kumudekṣaṇa.
VERSE 11.27.29
durgāṁ vināyakaṁ vyāsaṁ
viṣvaksenaṁ gurūn surān
sve sve sthāne tv abhimukhān
pūjayet prokṣaṇādibhiḥ
durgām — the Lord’s spiritual energy; vināyakam — the original Gaṇeśa; vyāsam — the compiler of the Vedas; viṣvaksenam — Viṣvaksena; gurūn — one’s spiritual masters; surān — the demigods; sve sve — each in his own; sthāne — place; tu — and; abhimukhān — all facing the Deity; pūjayet — one should worship; prokṣaṇa-ādibhiḥ — by the various prescriptions beginning with sprinkling of water for purification.
With offerings such as prokṣaṇa one should worship Durgā, Vināyaka, Vyāsa, Viṣvaksena, the spiritual masters and the various demigods. All these personalities should be in their proper places facing the Deity of the Lord.
VERSE 11.27.30-31
salilaiḥ snāpayen mantrair
nityadā vibhave sati
pauruṣeṇāpi sūktena
sāmabhī rājanādibhiḥ
candana — with sandalwood paste; uśīra — the fragrant uśīra root; karpūra — camphor; kuṅkuma — vermilion; aguru — aloes wood; vāsitaiḥ — which are perfumed; salilaiḥ — by different kinds of water; snāpayet — one should bathe the Deity; mantraiḥ — with mantras; nityadā — every day; vibhave — assets; sati — to the extent that there are; svarṇa-gharma-anuvākena — by the chapter of the Vedas known as Svarṇa-gharma; mahā-puruṣa-vidyayā — by the incantation called Mahāpuruṣa; pauruṣeṇa — by the Puruṣa-sūkta; api — also; sūktena — the Vedic hymn; sāmabhiḥ — by songs from the Sāma Veda; rājana-ādibhiḥ — known as Rājana and so on.
The worshiper should bathe the Deity every day, as opulently as his assets permit, using waters scented with sandalwood, uśīra root, camphor, kuṅkuma and aguru. He should also chant various Vedic hymns, such as the anuvāka known as Svarṇa-gharma, the Mahāpuruṣa-vidyā, the Puruṣa-sūkta and various songs of the Sāma Veda, such as the Rājana and the Rohiṇya.
VERSE 11.27.32
alaṅkurvīta sa-prema
mad-bhakto māṁ yathocitam
vastra — with clothing; upavīta — a brāhmaṇa thread; ābharaṇa — ornaments; patra — decorations drawn on various parts of the body with tilaka; srak — garlands; gandha-lepanaiḥ — and smearing of fragrant oils; alaṅkurvīta — he should decorate; sa-prema — with love; mat-bhaktaḥ — My devotee; mām — Me; yathā ucitam — as is enjoined.
My devotee should then lovingly decorate Me with clothing, a brāhmaṇa thread, various ornaments, marks of tilaka and garlands, and he should anoint My body with fragrant oils, all in the prescribed manner.
VERSE 11.27.33
pādyam ācamanīyaṁ ca
gandhaṁ sumanaso ’kṣatān
dadyān me śraddhayārcakaḥ
pādyam — water for washing the feet; ācamanīyam — water for washing the mouth; ca — and; gandham — fragrances; sumanasaḥ — flowers; akṣatān — unbroken grains; dhūpa — incense; dīpa — lamps; upahāryāṇi — such items of paraphernalia; dadyāt — he should present; me — to Me; śraddhayā — with faith; arcakaḥ — the worshiper.
The worshiper should faithfully present Me with water for washing My feet and mouth, fragrant oils, flowers and unbroken grains, along with incense, lamps and other offerings.
VERSE 11.27.34
saṁyāva-dadhi-sūpāṁś ca
naivedyaṁ sati kalpayet
guḍa — sugar candy; pāyasa — sweet rice; sarpīṁṣi — and ghee; śaṣkulī — a kind of large, ear-shaped cake made of rice flour, sugar and sesame and fried in ghee; āpūpa — various kinds of sweet cakes; modakān — small conical steamed dumplings made of rice flour and filled with sweet coconut and sugar; saṁyāva — an oblong cake made of wheat, ghee and milk and covered with sugar and spices; dadhi — yogurt; sūpān — vegetable soups; ca — and; naivedyam — offerings of food; sati — if he has sufficient means; kalpayet — the devotee should arrange.
Within his means, the devotee should arrange to offer Me sugar candy, sweet rice, ghee, śaṣkulī [rice-flour cakes], āpūpa [various sweet cakes], modaka [steamed rice-flour dumplings filled with sweet coconut and sugar], saṁyāva [wheat cakes made with ghee and milk and covered with sugar and spices], yogurt, vegetable soups and other palatable foods.
VERSE 11.27.35
parvaṇi syur utānv-aham
abhyaṅga — with ointment; unmardana — massaging; ādarśa — offering a mirror; danta-dhāva — washing the teeth; abhiṣecanam — bathing; anna — offering food that can be eaten without chewing; ādya — offering food that is chewed; gītā — singing; nṛtyāni — and dancing; parvaṇi — on special holidays; syuḥ — these offerings should be made; uta — or else (if it is within one’s means); anu-aham — every day.
On special occasions, and daily if possible, the Deity should be massaged with ointment, shown a mirror, offered a eucalyptus stick for brushing His teeth, bathed with the five kinds of nectar, offered all kinds of opulent foods, and entertained with singing and dancing.
VERSE 11.27.36
vidhinā vihite kuṇḍe
agnim ādhāya paritaḥ
samūhet pāṇinoditam
vidhinā — according to scriptural injunctions; vihite — constructed; kuṇḍe — in the sacrificial arena; mekhalā — with the paraphernalia of the sacred belt; garta — the sacrificial pit; vedibhiḥ — and the altar mound; agnim — the fire; ādhāya — establishing; paritaḥ — on all sides; samūhet — one should build up; pāṇinā — with his hands; uditam — blazing.
In an arena constructed according to scriptural injunctions, the devotee should perform a fire sacrifice, utilizing the sacred belt, the sacrificial pit and the altar mound. When igniting the sacrificial fire, the devotee should bring it to a blaze with wood piled up by his own hands.
VERSE 11.27.37
paristīryātha paryukṣed
anvādhāya yathā-vidhi
prokṣaṇyāsādya dravyāṇi
prokṣyāgnau bhāvayeta mām
paristīrya — scattering (kuśa grass); atha — then; paryukṣet — he should sprinkle with water; anvādhāya — performing the ritual of anvādhāna (placing wood into the fire with recitations of om bhūr bhuvaḥ svaḥ); yathā-vidhi — according to the standard prescription; prokṣaṇyā — by the water in the ācamana vessel; āsādya — having arranged; dravyāṇi — the items to be offered as oblations; prokṣya — sprinkling them; agnau — within the fire; bhāvayeta — he should meditate; mām — on Me.
After spreading kuśa grass on the ground and sprinkling it with water, one should perform the anvādhāna ritual according to the prescribed rules. Then one should arrange the items to be offered as oblations and should sanctify them with water from the sprinkling vessel. The worshiper should next meditate upon Me within the fire.
VERSE 11.27.38-41
lasac-catur-bhujaṁ śāntaṁ
śrīvatsa-vakṣasaṁ bhrājat-
kaustubhaṁ vana-mālinam
dhyāyann abhyarcya dārūṇi
haviṣābhighṛtāni ca
prāsyājya-bhāgāv āghārau
dattvā cājya-plutaṁ haviḥ
juhuyān mūla-mantreṇa
dharmādibhyo yathā-nyāyaṁ
mantraiḥ sviṣṭi-kṛtaṁ budhaḥ
tapta — molten; jāmbū-nada — of gold; prakhyam — the color; śaṅkha — with His conchshell; cakra — disc; gadā — club; ambujaiḥ — and lotus flower; lasat — brilliant; catuḥ-bhujam — having four arms; śāntam — peaceful; padma — of a lotus; kiñjalka — colored like the filaments; vāsasam — His garment; sphurat — shining; kirīṭa — helmet; kaṭaka — bracelets; kaṭi-sūtra — belt; vara-aṅgadam — fine ornaments on the arms; śrī-vatsa — the emblem of the goddess of fortune; vakṣasam — upon His chest; bhrājat — effulgent; kaustubham — the Kaustubha gem; vana-mālinam — wearing a flower garland; dhyāyan — meditating upon Him; abhyarcya — performing worship of Him; dārūṇi — pieces of dry wood; haviṣā — with the purified butter; abhighṛtāni — soaked; ca — and; prāsya — throwing into the fire; ājya — of the ghee; bhāgau — the two designated portions; āghārau — in the course of performing the āghāra ritual; dattvā — offering; ca — and; ājya — with ghee; plutam — drenched; haviḥ — various oblations; juhuyāt — one should offer into the fire; mūla-mantreṇa — with the primary mantras naming each deity; ṣoḍaśa-ṛcā — with the hymn Puruṣa-sūkta, consisting of sixteen lines of verse; avadānataḥ — pouring an oblation after each line; dharma-ādibhyaḥ — to the demigods, beginning with Yamarāja; yathā-nyāyam — in the proper order; mantraiḥ — with the specific mantras naming each demigod; sviṣṭi-kṛtam — the ritual of this name; budhaḥ — the intelligent devotee.
The intelligent devotee should meditate upon that form of the Lord whose color is like molten gold, whose four arms are resplendent with the conchshell, disc, club and lotus flower, and who is always peaceful and dressed in a garment colored like the filaments within a lotus flower. His helmet, bracelets, belt and fine arm ornaments shine brilliantly. The symbol of Śrīvatsa is on His chest, along with the glowing Kaustubha gem and a garland of forest flowers. The devotee should then worship that Lord by taking pieces of firewood soaked in the sacrificial ghee and throwing them into the fire. He should perform the ritual of āghāra, presenting into the fire the various items of oblation drenched in ghee. He should then offer to sixteen demigods, beginning with Yamarāja, the oblation called sviṣṭi-kṛt, reciting the basic mantras of each deity and the sixteen-line Puruṣa-sūkta hymn. Pouring one oblation after each line of the Puruṣa-sūkta, he should utter the particular mantra naming each deity.
VERSE 11.27.42
abhyarcyātha namaskṛtya
pārṣadebhyo baliṁ haret
mūla-mantraṁ japed brahma
smaran nārāyaṇātmakam
abhyarcya — having thus worshiped; atha — then; namaskṛtya — offering his obeisances by bowing down; pārṣadebhyaḥ — unto the Lord’s personal associates; balim — offerings; haret — he should present; mūla-mantram — the basic mantra for the Deity; japet — he should chant quietly; brahma — the Absolute Truth; smaran — remembering; nārāyaṇa-ātmakam — as the Supreme Personality, Lord Nārāyaṇa.
Having thus worshiped the Lord in the sacrificial fire, the devotee should offer his obeisances to the Lord’s personal associates by bowing down and should then present offerings to them. He should then chant quietly the mūla-mantra of the Deity of the Lord, remembering the Absolute Truth as the Supreme Personality, Nārāyaṇa.
VERSE 11.27.43
dattvācamanam uccheṣaṁ
viṣvaksenāya kalpayet
mukha-vāsaṁ surabhimat
tāmbūlādyam athārhayet
dattvā — offering; ācamanam — water for washing the Lord’s mouth; uccheṣam — the remnants of His food; viṣvaksenāya — to the personal associate of Lord Viṣṇu, Viṣvaksena; kalpayet — one should give; mukha-vāsam — cologne for the mouth; surabhi-mat — fragrant; tāmbūla-ādyam — betel-nut preparation; atha — then; arhayet — one should present.
Once again he should offer the Deity water for washing His mouth, and he should give the remnants of the Lord’s food to Viṣvaksena. Then he should present the Deity with fragrant perfume for the mouth and prepared betel nut.
VERSE 11.27.44
upagāyan gṛṇan nṛtyan
karmāṇy abhinayan mama
mat-kathāḥ śrāvayan śṛṇvan
muhūrtaṁ kṣaṇiko bhavet
upagāyan — singing along; gṛṇan — loudly vibrating; nṛtyan — dancing; karmāṇi — transcendental activities; abhinayan — imitating by acting out; mama — My; mat-kathāḥ — stories about Me; śrāvayan — causing others to hear; śṛṇvan — hearing himself; muhūrtam — for some time; kṣaṇikaḥ — absorbed in the celebration; bhavet — he should become.
Singing along with others, chanting loudly and dancing, acting out My transcendental pastimes, and hearing and telling stories about Me, the devotee should for some time absorb himself in such festivity.
VERSE 11.27.45
stavair uccāvacaiḥ stotraiḥ
paurāṇaiḥ prākṛtair api
stutvā prasīda bhagavann
iti vandeta daṇḍa-vat
stavaiḥ — with prayers from the scriptures; ucca-avacaiḥ — of greater and lesser varieties; stotraiḥ — and with prayers written by human authors; paurāṇaiḥ — from the Purāṇas; prākṛtaiḥ — from ordinary sources; api — also; stutvā — thus praying to the Lord; prasīda — please show Your mercy; bhagavan — O Lord; iti — thus saying; vandeta — one should pay homage; daṇḍa-vat — falling down on the ground like a rod.
The devotee should offer homage to the Lord with all kinds of hymns and prayers, both from the Purāṇas and from other ancient scriptures, and also from ordinary traditions. Praying, “O Lord, please be merciful to me!” he should fall down flat like a rod to offer his obeisances.
VERSE 11.27.46
śiro mat-pādayoḥ kṛtvā
bāhubhyāṁ ca parasparam
prapannaṁ pāhi mām īśa
bhītaṁ mṛtyu-grahārṇavāt
śiraḥ — his head; mat-pādayoḥ — at My two feet; kṛtvā — placing; bāhubhyām — with the hands; ca — and; parasparam — together (grasping the feet of the Deity); prapannam — who am surrendered; pāhi — please protect; mām — me; īśa — O Lord; bhītam — afraid; mṛtyu — of death; graha — the mouth; arṇavāt — of this material ocean.
Placing his head at the feet of the Deity, he should then stand with folded hands before the Lord and pray, “O my Lord, please protect me, who am surrendered unto You. I am most fearful of this ocean of material existence, standing as I am in the mouth of death.”
VERSE 11.27.47
iti śeṣāṁ mayā dattāṁ
śirasy ādhāya sādaram
udvāsayec ced udvāsyaṁ
jyotir jyotiṣi tat punaḥ
iti — thus praying; śeṣām — the remnants; mayā — by Me; dattām — given; śirasi — on one’s head; ādhāya — placing; sa-ādaram — respectfully; udvāsayet — should send the Deity away; cet — if; udvāsyam — if such is meant to be performed; jyotiḥ — the light; jyotiṣi — within the light; tat — that; punaḥ — once again.
Praying in this way, the devotee should respectfully place upon his head the remnants I offer to him. And if the particular Deity is meant to be sent away at the end of the worship, then this should be performed, the devotee once again placing the light of the Deity’s presence inside the light of the lotus within his own heart.
VERSE 11.27.48
arcādiṣu yadā yatra
śraddhā māṁ tatra cārcayet
sarva-bhūteṣv ātmani ca
sarvātmāham avasthitaḥ
arcā-ādiṣu — in the Deity form and other manifestations of the Supreme Lord; yadā — whenever; yatra — in whichever form; śraddhā — faith develops; mām — Me; tatra — there; ca — and; arcayet — he should worship; sarva-bhūteṣu — within all created beings; ātmani — separately, in My original form; ca — also; sarva-ātmā — the original soul of all; aham — I am; avasthitaḥ — so situated.
Whenever one develops faith in Me — in My form as the Deity or in other bona fide manifestations — one should worship Me in that form. I certainly exist both within all created beings and also separately in My original form, since I am the Supreme Soul of all.
VERSE 11.27.49
evaṁ kriyā-yoga-pathaiḥ
pumān vaidika-tāntrikaiḥ
arcann ubhayataḥ siddhiṁ
matto vindaty abhīpsitām
evam — in this way; kriyā-yoga — of regulated Deity worship; pathaiḥ — by the processes; pumān — a person; vaidika-tāntrikaiḥ — presented in the Vedas and tantras; arcan — worshiping; ubhayataḥ — in both this life and the next; siddhim — perfection; mattaḥ — from Me; vindati — he achieves; abhīpsitām — desired.
By worshiping Me through the various methods prescribed in the Vedas and tantras, one will gain from Me his desired perfection in both this life and the next.
VERSE 11.27.50
mad-arcāṁ sampratiṣṭhāpya
mandiraṁ kārayed dṛḍham
puṣpodyānāni ramyāṇi
mat-arcām — My Deity form; sampratiṣṭhāpya — properly establishing; mandiram — a temple; kārayet — he should construct; dṛḍham — strong; puṣpa-udyānāni — flower gardens; ramyāṇi — beautiful; pūjā — for regular, daily worship; yātrā — special festivals; utsava — and yearly holidays; āśritān — set aside.
The devotee should more fully establish My Deity by solidly constructing a temple, along with beautiful gardens. These gardens should be set aside to provide flowers for the regular daily worship, special Deity processions and holiday observances.
VERSE 11.27.51
pūjādīnāṁ pravāhārthaṁ
mahā-parvasv athānv-aham
dattvā mat-sārṣṭitām iyāt
pūjā-ādīnām — of the regular worship and special festivals; pravāha-artham — in order to assure the continuance; mahā-parvasu — on auspicious occasions; atha — and; anu-aham — daily; kṣetra — land; āpaṇa — shops; pura — cities; grāmān — and villages; dattvā — bestowing as a gift to the Deity; mat-sārṣṭitām — opulence equal to Mine; iyāt — he achieves.
One who offers the Deity gifts of land, markets, cities and villages so that the regular daily worship and special festivals of the Deity may go on continually will achieve opulence equal to My own.
VERSE 11.27.52
pratiṣṭhayā sārvabhaumaṁ
sadmanā bhuvana-trayam
pūjādinā brahma-lokaṁ
tribhir mat-sāmyatām iyāt
pratiṣṭhayā — by having installed the Deity; sārva-bhaumam — sovereignty over the entire earth; sadmanā — by building a temple for the Lord; bhuvana-trayam — rulership over the three worlds; pūjā-ādinā — by worship and other service; brahma-lokam — the planet of Lord Brahmā; tribhiḥ — by all three; mat-sāmyatām — the status of equality with Me (by having a transcendental, spiritual body similar to Mine); iyāt — he attains.
By installing the Deity of the Lord one becomes king of the entire earth, by building a temple for the Lord one becomes ruler of the three worlds, by worshiping and serving the Deity one goes to the planet of Lord Brahmā, and by performing all three of these activities one achieves a transcendental form like My own.
VERSE 11.27.53
mām eva nairapekṣyeṇa
bhakti-yogena vindati
bhakti-yogaṁ sa labhata
evaṁ yaḥ pūjayeta mām
mām — Me; eva — indeed; nairapekṣyeṇa — by being free from motivation; bhakti-yogena — by the performance of devotional service; vindati — achieves; bhakti-yogam — devotional service; saḥ — he; labhate — receives; evam — thus; yaḥ — whom; pūjayeta — worships; mām — Me.
But one who simply engages in devotional service with no consideration of fruitive results attains Me. Thus whoever worships Me according to the process I have described will ultimately attain pure devotional service unto Me.
VERSE 11.27.54
yaḥ sva-dattāṁ parair dattāṁ
hareta sura-viprayoḥ
vṛttiṁ sa jāyate viḍ-bhug
varṣāṇām ayutāyutam
yaḥ — who; sva-dattām — given previously by himself; paraiḥ — by others; dattām — given; hareta — takes away; sura-viprayoḥ — belonging to the demigods or brāhmaṇas; vṛttim — property; saḥ — he; jāyate — takes birth; viṭ-bhuk — as a stool-eating worm; varṣāṇām — for years; ayuta — ten thousand; ayutam — times ten thousand.
Anyone who steals the property of the demigods or the brāhmaṇas, whether originally given to them by himself or someone else, must live as a worm in stool for one hundred million years.
VERSE 11.27.55
kartuś ca sārather hetor
anumoditur eva ca
karmaṇāṁ bhāginaḥ pretya
bhūyo bhūyasi tat-phalam
kartuḥ — of the performer; ca — and; sāratheḥ — of the assistant; hetoḥ — of the instigator; anumodituḥ — of the person who approves; eva ca — also; karmaṇām — of the fruitive reactions; bhāginaḥ — of the shareholder; pretya — in the next life; bhūyaḥ — more grievously; bhūyasi — to the extent that the action is grievous; tat — (must suffer) of that; phalam — the result.
Not only the performer of the theft but also anyone who assists him, instigates the crime, or simply approves of it must also share the reaction in the next life. According to their degree of participation, they each must suffer a proportionate consequence.