Religious Philosophy

Śrī Bhakti-Rasamrita-Sindhu

This is the work of Rūpa-Gosvāmī (1489–1564) we know as Śrī Bhakti-Rasāmṛta-Sindhu, a fundamental work on Devotional service, Bhakti, it’s inner meanings, psychology, degrees of transformed Consciousness and things favourable to this perfection of consciousness from average karmic – influenced consciousness driven by natural tendencies towards absolutely purified Divine Consciousness, the Consciousness perfected in a pure and humble devotional service to supreme Personality of Godhead.

Madhva Acharya and Dvaita Vedanta

Madhva and his Works, —The philosophy of Brahman (Brahma-Mimāṅsā) expounded by Madhva is popularly called Dvaita. Madhva (1199–1278) was born near Udipi. His social environment was moulded by the general tenets of this philosophy. Scholars studied this philosophy with great interest. Some were dissatisfied with the prevalent ideas about its meaning.His works exhibit a unity of purpose.