Śrī Kṛṣṇa Caitanya Carita | Book 2 Chapter 7

Seventh Sarga

Gaura Shows Mercy to His Devotees


Gaurāṅga's head was wrapped with a turban of new white cloth, and He wore necklaces of newly polished coral. Lustrous bracelets adorned His arms, and His hands resembled newly blossomed lotuses.


A glittering gold cloth was bound about His loins over His dhoṭi, which was artfully arranged like that of a dancing actor and had the saffron colour of the rising sun. His beautiful arms hung by His hips like the expanded hoods of the serpent- king.


Anklebells rang enchantingly on His lotus feet, and His precious toenails emitted a light that delighted the heart like moonlight. His body had an effulgence like that of molten gold, and as they walked softly, the soles of His feet radiated a ruddy lustre like that of coral.


The Lord, whose face appeared like a blossoming lotus flower, danced in all the quarters of the town, accompanied by His dear associates who were absorbed in singing honeyed songs of the names of the enemy of Madhu. Thus Gaura appeared like Indra, the lord of heaven, surrounded by the host of gods.


The great minds dwelling on the earth delighted incessantly in the nectarine vibrations made by the rhythmic hand-clapping of the Lord of Lakṣmī together with the melodious resonance of His voice within the sanctified temple.


Covered by new shawls, Their astonishing Lordships Hari-Hara (Gaura ṭ Advaita) were seated in the temple, surrounded by intimate devotees. They revelled, awarded boons, and flourished with magnificent splendour.


Then in sweet tones the slayer of the Madhu proclaimed to Śrīvāsa, "You are the vāsa (abode) of śrī bhakti, pure devotion. Therefore you are known as Śrīvāsa."


To Gopīnātha Ācārya, He said, "I have remembered You as My servant."


The compassionate Lord Gaurāṅga commanded Murāri Gupta, "Please recite from your heart that poetry composed by your good self." Hearing this order, Murāri chanted with pleasing accents the following hymn:


Though His face is like a spotless moon, still it is further brightened by a shining crown of jewels. His earrings resemble Jupiter and Venus rising in the evening sky. I forever worship this Lord Śrī Rāma, guru of the three worlds.


When He awakens and opens His lotus eyes, their lustre resembles the early rays of the rising sun. His teeth are enclosed by charming bimba fruit-red lips. His nose is shapely and graceful and seeing the beams of His beautiful smile, the white-rayed moon accepts defeat. I forever worship this Lord Śrī Rāma, guru of the three worlds.


The throat of the unborn Lord is like a three-ringed conch shell, and His form is soft as the lotus. He wears a shining necklace of pearls set in gold, and thus He resembles a water-laden cloud accompanied by lightning flashes and a flock of cranes. Such is Śrī Rāma, guru of the three worlds, whom I perpetually adore.


In Her upraised hand Sītā Devī holds a thousand-petalled lotus flower, and Her five graceful fingers make it appear that the flower's hundred petals are covered by another five petals. I forever worship Rāma, best of the Raghu dynasty, by whose side forever remains this Sītā, whose radiance is like molten gold.


Before Rāma stands his brother Lakṣmaṇa, deeply attached to His elder brother's service, the most skilled of archers, his body brilliant golden, and enhanced by splendid ornaments. He is also known as Śeṣa, the all-accommodating abode of the worlds. I worship this Lord Śrī Rama guru of the three worlds.


Like the nectar-rayed moon shining on the ocean of the Raghu dynasty, He slew the foremost among the man-eating demons, Mārīca and Subāhu, thus protecting the sacrifice performed by the sage Viśvāmitra for the welfare of His ancestors. I worship this Lord Śrī Rāma, guru of the three worlds.


Slaying the rākṣasas Khara, Triśirā, Kabandha, and their armies, He rendered safe the forest of Daṇḍa-kānana. By killing the monkey-king, Sugrīva's enemy, Bāli, He made alliance with him, I adore Śrī Rāma, best of the Raghu dynasty, the slayer of the ten-headed Rāvaṇa.


After breaking Śiva's bow, He married Sītā, daughter of Janaka-rāja. Then on the path home, He defeated the mighty Paraśurāma, best of Bhṛgu's line, bringing pleasure to Mahārāja Daśaratha, His father. I forever worship this Lord Śrī Rāma, the foremost descendant of Kakutstha and guru of the three worlds.

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After hearing these eight verses composed by the physician Murāri describing Śrī Rāma, lion among kings and delight of the Raghu dynasty, Placing His foot on the physican's head, Bhagavān Gaura Hari wrote the words "Rāma Dāsa" on his brow and proclaimed, "Bho! By My mercy, be forever Śrī Rāma's servant."


Then the Lord recited a śloka brāhmaṇa, hear that from me:


"O Uddhava, yogic perfection, study of the elements, dharmic ācāra, Vedic study, penance and renunciation cannot capture My heart as can mighty bhakti." (Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 11.14.20)


Then He said to the bhakta-vṛnda, "In all that you do, first present it for the consideration of Śrīvāsa.


"In this way, all actions you perform shall be done properly, for service to the elder brother of Śrī Rāma Paṇḍita, is worship of Myself.


"Firmly comprehend this with your intelligence and render service to Śrīvāsa. In this way everything will be auspicious for you."


So saying, the Lord who is affectionate to surrendered souls delighted the hearts of the people. Everyone became happy to see the quality of His affection for His bhaktas.


Śrīvāsa offered milk, betel, garlands and fragrant incense to Gaura. After eating and appreciating these items, He gave the remnants to His servant.


Saintly Nārāyaṇī was Śrīvāsa's brother's unmarried daughter. Her skin had a sweet lustre. Whenever she obtained the prasādam of Śrī Hari she wept loudly.


In this way the Lord joyously passed every night in guiding His people, and those noble souls experienced incessant bliss. A full year passed yet the enemy of Mura thought it only a moment.

Thus ends the Seventh Sarga entitled "Gaura Shows Mercy to His Devotees," in the Second Prakrama of the great poem Śrī Caitanya Carita.